Table of contents

  1. Awesome Low Resource Indian Languages Hub
  2. Learning Resources

1. AI-Career-Toolkit

🚀 AI-Career-Toolkit

GitHub license PRs Welcome Community

A comprehensive resource hub for launching and advancing careers in AI, ML, and related fields.

🌟 What’s Inside

  • 📝 Resume Templates: Tailored for AI/ML roles
  • 💼 Portfolio Project Ideas: Inspire your next showcase project
  • 🎤 Interview Prep: Common questions and best practices
  • 🔍 Job Search Strategies: Tips for finding and landing AI positions
  • 🗺️ Learning Roadmaps: Curated paths for different AI specializations
  • 📊 Industry Insights: Stay updated with the latest AI trends

Resume Templates

RepositoryDescriptionStarsLast Updated
homeA beautiful portfolio template for developersGitHub starsLast Updated
Portfolio-Website-TemplateA simple and elegant portfolio templateGitHub starsLast Updated
freemoA free, modern portfolio templateGitHub starsLast Updated
portfolio-template-v2A sleek, customizable portfolio templateGitHub starsLast Updated
free-developer-portfolio-templateA modern, responsive portfolio template for developersGitHub starsLast Updated
albert-htmlA clean and minimalist portfolio templateGitHub starsLast Updated
portfolioA versatile portfolio template with various sectionsGitHub starsLast Updated
diy-portfolioA customizable, DIY portfolio templateGitHub starsLast Updated

🎯 Our Mission

To empower the next generation of AI professionals with practical tools, templates, and knowledge to stand out in a competitive job market.

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Whether you’re sharing your success story, a helpful resource, or improving existing content, your input helps the community grow.

📚 Start Your AI Career Journey

Explore the toolkit, build your skills, and take the next step in your AI career. Your future in AI starts here!

AI-Career-Toolkit is a community-driven project.

Use these resources as inspiration and adapt them to showcase your unique skills and experiences.

2. Learning Resources

An Ultimate Compilation of AI Resources for Mathematics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Knowledge Not Shared is wasted. - Clan Jacobs

This collection is a compilation of Excellent ML and DL Tutorials created by the people below

This Repo is Created and Maintained by

Navaneeth Malingan



Why Data Science and how to get started?

Intro to ML

Anyone can do Machine Learning

  • Teachable Machine Train a computer to recognize your own images, sounds, & poses. A fast, easy way to create machine learning models for your sites, apps, and more – no expertise or coding required.


Courses from Top Universities

### Stanford University

### Carnegie Mellon University

### Massachusetts Institute of Technology

### University College London

YouTube ML Playlists

Machine Learning Glossary

Machine Learning Fundamentals (These terms will be often used in the below algorithms)





Machine Learning YouTube Playlists

ML, DL Visual Explainers

Note: Below you can find the best lectures for popular Machine Learning Algorithms

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Decision Tree

Random Forest

Boosting Machine Learning


Bayes Theorem

K-Nearest Neighbors


Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Probabilistic Graphical Models

Gradient Descent from Scratch

The Best

Extra Good Ones

Vanishing Gradient

How to Handle Local Minima



Deep Learning

Deep Leraning Books

Deep Lerning Papers


Computer Vision


Object Detection

Evolution Of Object Detection Networks by Cogneethi

Deep-dive tutorial on Object Detection. Intuition lectures on topics ranging from Classical CV techniques like HOG, SIFT to Convolutional Neural Network based techniques like Overfeat, Faster RCNN etc. You will learn how the ideas have evolved from some of the earliest papers to current ones. And hence the name Evolution of Object Detection Networks.

3D Object Detection

  • [Announcing the Objectron DatasetGoogle AI Blog](
  • [MediaPipe ObjectronObjectron (3D Object Detection)](

Image Segmentation


Style Transfer




Transformers and Self Attention


Reinforcement Learning



TensorFlow Courses

PyTorch Vs TensorFlow

Transfer Learning

Deploy Models



Edge ML Kits

Data Science Competitions

Important Youtube🎬 Channels in the field of AI/ML/RL/DS
