Discord AMA Session Summary - LAI & DAO Labs


  • Aaditya, Founder of LAI
  • Harsh Joshi, Founder of DAO Labs


  • Students and working professionals

Key Discussion Points

How Students Can Grab Internship Opportunities

Aaditya and Harsh shared insights into finding and securing internships in today’s competitive landscape. They emphasized the importance of networking, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, attending industry meetups, and participating in relevant online communities. They advised students to tailor their resumes to highlight skills and projects that align with potential internship roles, and to proactively reach out to companies or professionals in their field of interest.

How to Make a Good GitHub Repo

The speakers discussed best practices for creating a compelling GitHub repository. Key points included:

  • Organized Structure: Use clear directories and maintain a clean project structure.
  • Descriptive README: Include a comprehensive README file with project overview, setup instructions, usage examples, and contribution guidelines.
  • Documentation: Regularly update documentation and ensure code is well-commented.
  • Version Control: Utilize branches effectively and maintain a consistent commit history.
  • Company Evaluation: Companies often evaluate candidates by reviewing their GitHub profiles. Therefore, good documentation is crucial as it showcases your skills, project quality, and attention to detail.

Essentials of Proper Documentation and README Files

Effective documentation is crucial for the usability and maintainability of a project. Aaditya and Harsh outlined essential elements of documentation:

  • README Files: Should provide a summary of the project, installation steps, usage instructions, and contact information.
  • Code Comments: Write clear comments to explain complex logic or code sections.
  • Contributing Guidelines: Provide instructions for contributors on how to report issues, submit changes, and follow coding standards.

Ideas for Final Year Projects

The session included brainstorming for innovative final year project ideas. Some suggestions were:

  • AI-Powered Chatbots: Develop chatbots with advanced conversational abilities for specific domains.
  • Blockchain-Based Applications: Explore blockchain for secure transactions or decentralized apps.
  • IoT Solutions: Create IoT-based systems for smart home or environmental monitoring.
  • Augmented Reality: Build AR applications for educational or entertainment purposes.

Doubt Solving

The AMA also featured a Q&A segment where students and professionals posed their queries. The speakers addressed questions on various topics such as career advice, project development challenges, and industry trends. This interactive segment provided personalized guidance and solutions to specific issues faced by the attendees.


The AMA session with Aaditya and Harsh provided valuable insights into career development, project management, and technical documentation. Attendees gained practical advice on securing internships, creating effective GitHub repositories, and enhancing project documentation, along with exploring innovative ideas for their final year projects. The event was a great opportunity for the community to engage directly with industry leaders and address their career and technical queries.